Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Split Second

It was a split second
at the most
when a stranger walked past
and just then
before leaving my world
he looked up
the way you would look up
not quite sure
above your eyelashes
to the left
and I was transported
back to there
back to the time you cared
a tear came
a mini drama played,
onto an outside screen


Poem: © Penelope Mavor 2016
Image: via google images

Not So Fragile Haiku

It does not matter
what is said or done or not;
love’s not so fragile

Poem: © Penelope Mavor 2016
Image: via google images

Naive Haiku

The naivety
Of knowing but hoping it
Will be different

Poem: © Penelope Mavor 2016
Photo: own